The Sessions - Feb 2025
Last month was all about one huge fish, a Kings Weir monster Barbel at 19-14, a PB I’ll struggle to beat but with three fish in the section bigger than that I’ve got a chance if I fish it regularly enough in the right conditions.
With the weather changing constantly with warm wet periods with lots of flooding, and then cold snaps with temps into the minus I had to get out when I could around work and family life and then life took another twist and turn in early Feb….
The Sessions - Jan 2025
Christmas and New Year has come and gone and we’re into another new fishing year with much to look forward too, but it seems as I get older the years slip by very quickly and I can’t believe as I sit writing this piece, we are into February already…crazy!!
December was a lean month with a good fish early on and then not much else to report due to cold weather and not getting out as much as I’d have liked. Christmas week was a lot warmer and with a cold snap due I knew I had to get out on New Years Day.