The Sessions - Nov 2023
I finished last month with the Herts police acting out a Carry On scene with their stake out of a traveller site and pulling me over by mistake, and me getting my back side handed to me by a big Barbel on the middle Trent.
I had lots to look forward to in November with the NPS show and a trip to Spain where I was hopeful of beating my long standing Wels Catfish PB of 206 pound.
The Sessions - Oct 2023
Last month was filled with hospital visits, two surgeries and a nasty fall leaving me with a very swollen right arm, but I still managed to get a few trips in and landed 70 Barbel with a rolling meat PB at 16-07.
As much as I love Autumn fishing I do think that the annual leave fall has a negative impact on our rivers and puts the fish off for a while and as we roll into October that time has arrived so swim choice would be vital.
The Sessions - Sept 2023
Last month was a good one with lots of fish caught and the highlight being two fish from the stunning Kings Weir on the river Lea, I had trips planned for this month but also had surgery booked to remove my kidney stones so that will keep me house bound for a bit.
The Sessions - Aug 2023
My summer wasn’t going to plan due to regular hospital visits but I was managing to fit sessions in and had plans to fish the stunning Kings Weir on the river Lea later in the month following a recce trip with Julie in July.
The Sessions - July 2023
It’s amazing and quite scary that June has come and gone already and we are already over half way through another year and into another season on the rivers. June was a good month for me with lots of early season Barbel with many caught rolling meat, a method that is very quickly becoming my favourite way to catch them.
The Sessions - June 2023
With May being a struggle just to find time to get out fishing and then not being overly successful on the sessions I did manage, I was really looking forward to June, with some late Spring Tench, the Barbel Society Show and getting back out on the rivers on the 16th 😃
The Sessions - May 2023
Last month, after some brilliant early spring Crucian fishing, catching fish to 4-03, I moved onto the Tench and had my backside handed to me by my pal Busta on my first session, I was hoping results would improve favourably in May.
The Sessions - April 2023
I finished last month on the rivers closing date of 14 March following the end of a fantastic season with some brilliant fishing. Life took a very sad twist and I spent the rest of March supporting and being with Julie.
The Sessions - March 2023
With Zander to 12-07 and Barbel to 15-15 in February I was really looking forward to March, I always take the last week of the season as annual leave and couldn’t wait….
The Sessions - February 2023
Work and the weather had kept my fishing to three short trips last month but I did manage to keep my season targets with the Barbel on track and make a good start with my winter Zander fishing.
The Sessions - January 2023
I finished last month with a last chance Barbel day session on New Year’s Eve that kept my season targets on track in literally the last few minutes of the session.
2022 was a difficult year personally, but with a lot of love and support from Julie it was one of my best fishing years to date, let’s hope 2023 is as good.