The Sessions - Nov & Dec 2019
I signed off last month after a having another fantastic month Barbel fishing with 23 Barbel landed 10 being doubles to 16-07, would Nov be as good?
The Sessions - October 2019
I signed off last month after a having a fantastic Sept with 55 Barbel landed with 21 being doubles, could Oct get any better?
The Sessions - September 2019
I signed off last month after a having two poor trips to Johnson’s and some great late summer Barbel fishing. I always look forward to Sept as the Barbel start to put on weight for winter.
The Sessions - August 2019
I signed off last month after a having my landing net stolen on my second trip to Gunthorpe Weir. Hopefully Aug would be a better month…..
The Sessions - July 2019
I signed off last month after a great 16th and a fantastic family trip to Snowdonia and Conwy. In July I was looking forward to my first trip to Gunthorpe Weir.
The Sessions - June 2019
I signed off last month after having a fantastic holiday in Thailand with my soulmate Julie, it really was a great holiday and Jurassic a fantastic venue. Now I was back in England planning for the magical 16th….
The Sessions - May 2019
I signed off last month having had a reasonable months Spring Carping with some success in the limited time available. My plans for May were Thailand……
The Sessions - April 2019
I signed off last month having finished the river season with an epic session and a big Trent Barbel to end another great season for me. My plans for Spring were carp and Tench……
The Sessions - March 2019
I signed of last month having fished through some crazy weather ranging from frosts to t-shirt weather in February and still managed to bag a few.
The Sessions - February 2019
I signed of last month having only fished twice in January due to work and poor weather so I was dying to get on the rivers again…..
The Sessions - January 2019
I signed of last month following a poor month and the forecast for January did not look any better.
The Sessions - December 2018
I signed of last month with two 14’s from a new section of the Tidal Trent and high expectations of something special before the season closes.
The Sessions - November 2018
I signed of last month with my Spanish trip not going to plan but finishing with a great end to the month on the Trent with seven doubles to 14-15.
The Sessions - October 2018
Another poor Spanish trip cut short by weather. I signed off last month with my planned trip to Johnsons being cancelled due to weather and the change of plan saw me catching a few good Barbel to finish a month of mixed results.
The Sessions - September 2018
Long drives with mixed results. I signed of last month with a long drive home from the River Mersey in Stockport after not completing my mission of a new river double, plans were hatched for September but work and the weather changed that.
The Sessions - August 2018
Long drives with mixed results. I signed off last month with England experiencing the best summer we’ve had in years, the rivers very low and clear and my first visit to Johnsons, a place I was planning to visit again in August.
The Sessions - July 2018
I signed off last month with mixed emotions following the passing of a good friend and landing a big summer Barbel, July looked like being a difficult month as the temperatures were so high…
The Sessions - June 2018
A real mixed bag. Well I signed of last month after emptying Fields End fishery of Crucians on a simple but very effective method and taking the plunge to join Johnsons.
The Sessions - May 2018
Crucian Heaven. Well I signed off last month after my worst trip to Spain in 18 years following a terrible winter and spring, so things could only improve…
The Sessions - April 2018
My awful winter and spring continues… So I signed off last month after finishing the show season promoting CatMaster Tours at the Big One in Farnborough and was looking forward to my planned spring Tench and Carp fishing…