The Sessions - September 2019
I signed off last month after a having two poor trips to Johnson’s and some great late summer Barbel fishing. I always look forward to Sept as the Barbel start to put on weight for winter.
The Sessions - August 2019
I signed off last month after a having my landing net stolen on my second trip to Gunthorpe Weir. Hopefully Aug would be a better month…..
The Sessions - July 2019
I signed off last month after a great 16th and a fantastic family trip to Snowdonia and Conwy. In July I was looking forward to my first trip to Gunthorpe Weir.
The Sessions - June 2019
I signed off last month after having a fantastic holiday in Thailand with my soulmate Julie, it really was a great holiday and Jurassic a fantastic venue. Now I was back in England planning for the magical 16th….
The Sessions - May 2019
I signed off last month having had a reasonable months Spring Carping with some success in the limited time available. My plans for May were Thailand……
The Sessions - April 2019
I signed off last month having finished the river season with an epic session and a big Trent Barbel to end another great season for me. My plans for Spring were carp and Tench……
The Sessions - March 2019
I signed of last month having fished through some crazy weather ranging from frosts to t-shirt weather in February and still managed to bag a few.
The Sessions - February 2019
I signed of last month having only fished twice in January due to work and poor weather so I was dying to get on the rivers again…..
The Sessions - January 2019
I signed of last month following a poor month and the forecast for January did not look any better.
The Sessions - December 2018
I signed of last month with two 14’s from a new section of the Tidal Trent and high expectations of something special before the season closes.
The Sessions - November 2018
I signed of last month with my Spanish trip not going to plan but finishing with a great end to the month on the Trent with seven doubles to 14-15.
The Sessions - October 2018
Another poor Spanish trip cut short by weather. I signed off last month with my planned trip to Johnsons being cancelled due to weather and the change of plan saw me catching a few good Barbel to finish a month of mixed results.
The Sessions - September 2018
Long drives with mixed results. I signed of last month with a long drive home from the River Mersey in Stockport after not completing my mission of a new river double, plans were hatched for September but work and the weather changed that.
The Sessions - August 2018
Long drives with mixed results. I signed off last month with England experiencing the best summer we’ve had in years, the rivers very low and clear and my first visit to Johnsons, a place I was planning to visit again in August.
The Sessions - July 2018
I signed off last month with mixed emotions following the passing of a good friend and landing a big summer Barbel, July looked like being a difficult month as the temperatures were so high…
The Sessions - June 2018
A real mixed bag. Well I signed of last month after emptying Fields End fishery of Crucians on a simple but very effective method and taking the plunge to join Johnsons.
The Sessions - May 2018
Crucian Heaven. Well I signed off last month after my worst trip to Spain in 18 years following a terrible winter and spring, so things could only improve…
The Sessions - April 2018
My awful winter and spring continues… So I signed off last month after finishing the show season promoting CatMaster Tours at the Big One in Farnborough and was looking forward to my planned spring Tench and Carp fishing…
The Sessions - March 2018
The end of a tricky winter. So I signed of last month when we arrived back in England and it was freezing…
The Sessions - February 2018
I finished last month’s piece with a funny sorry of a lost fish after playing it for 2 hours and 6 minutes, looking back it still makes me chuckle thinking about it, but if it was a huge English Barbel of awesome proportions I would have been devastated…